元々、*伊勢遷宮の用材を運ぶ御木曳おきびきに始まったされる「木遣り」が、 本格的に各地に広まったのは江戸期以降と云われている。 道中歌で知られる伊勢音頭もその一つであり、名古屋城の築城の折に唄われ、近在各地に広まった木遣り唄などもそうである。
 この鵜沼の地では、古くは東山道の駅家うまやとして、江戸期では中山道鵜沼宿として栄え、 多くの人々が行き交い、木遣り唄や民謡の他に 各地の御船歌おふなうたや鯨歌なども伝えられ、この地独自に発展し、伝承されてきたと考えられている。


It's said that KIYARI, a song that people sang when they gathered in large groups to carry heavy objects like wood, is derived from OKIBIKI, an event in ISE-JINGU, one of the oldest shrines in Japan. KIYARI extended throughout the entire nation after the Edo period (1603-1868).

At the same time, a certain DOUCHU-KA, songs that were sung during journeys, and another KIYARI which was sung while building Nagoya castle, had spread out to the surrounding area as well.

From old times, this region called UNUMA flourished as a post station of TOUSAN-DOU, a road that went through this region. It kept its prosperity even after it changed to UNUMA-JUKU, a post station of NAKASEN-DOU which was made after TOUSAN-DOU development in the Edo period.

Due to the high volume of foot traffic, KIYARI and MINYOU, or folk songs, were not the only ones. Various songs from other regions were also brought to the area.

It's thought that KIYARI in this region has been developed and passed down with this historical background

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